Tuesday, January 1, 2008

And here we go....

Jan 1st, a new year, and a whole series of The X-Files ahead of me. My name is Martin Keen, and this is my challenge for 2008. The aim is to watch all 9 seasons (201 episodes) of the show, plus the X-Files movie in time for the big X-Files 2 movie premier in July. And I guess, maybe lose a few Christmas pounds too. Watching the X-Files.... could it actually be good for you?! Here's the setup: a treadmill, a TV, a portable DivX player, and a whole lot of spare time. I'll keep you up to date with how I go -- anyone else crazy/sad enough to do this too?


Anonymous said...

This really is quite a challenge, just when your enthusiasm is wanning you’ll be watching the episodes when the writers ran out of ideas!!

Good luck champ.

Anonymous said...

Nice legs! I hope you have plenty of cheesy snacks on hand...