After a 10-day layoff for vacation, it's into the ninth and final season I go. Plenty has been happening on the walks: the final episodes of the eighth season were corkers, building up to the birth of Scully's (rather spooky) new baby.

Plenty has been happening off the treadmill too, including the first walk ever to be performed on somebody else's treadmill. While staying in Boca Raton I watched an episode at the hotel gym on my PSP. The rest of my vacation was spent on an all-you-can-eat cruise (and you better believe I did!). Fortunately some unrecorded weight loss in the rush of episodes before I left has meant that today, post-cruise, I'm still the same weight as I left - 176 lbs.
So it's into the last season, the last month, and the last 17 episodes. The new movie is in touching distance now!