My daily 45 minute walks are anything but a chore. I'm walking at a brisk pace (3.5 mph) up a fairly steep incline (6%) which is enough to get me sweating, but not really enough to get uncomfortably out of breath. And its a darn sight easier than jogging -- which I used to do in front of the TV -- where I'd be counting down every minute until it was over. Surprisingly in 5 months I've never woken up and thought "oh no, I've got to get on that treadmill again" because at this pace watching the X-Files episodes is the primary activity, and the walking is something that happens in the background.
Oh, and I should also reiterate that this 10 pound loss can in no way be attributed to a change in diet. I still eat as badly as ever. Yesterday I munched through a large packet of M&Ms, a chocolate bar, and drank two glasses of wine. Burgers, pizza, cheese sandwiches, ice cream -- all the bad habits remain exactly as they have been before.
Watch X-Files. Lose weight. Who knew?!