With the movie premier fast approaching, and a 10-day vacation just about to start, I was in panic mode. Still in Season 7, with dozens of episodes to go, and running out of time.
When the going gets tough, the tough get walking. This week, it seems I've done nothing but walk on the treadmill and watch TV. On Monday I walked 5 episodes -- that's over 13 miles in a day. The next day I watched another 4. I'm now nearing the end of Season 8 and back on track.
Lots has been happening in that time. Mulder's been abducted, returned dead, and brought back to life. Scully has a new partner in John Doggett. Oh, and she's pregnant. The stories have been told in some cracking mythology episodes, but in between those has been a lot of padding where neither of the star actors appeared much, if at all. Just as well I'm watching those episodes quickly.
So I'm all caught up -- nothing to worry about right? Well.. nothing apart from the fact I'm now going on a cruise and risk putting all my lost weight straight back on. I'll be bringing the X-Files with me, just in case I feel like getting on the treadmill in between meals...